Freud used a case study method to investigate Little Han's phobia
5 Psycho-sexual stages of child development
1. Oral stage (birth -15 months)
2. Anal stage (15 months - 3-year-old)
3. Phallic stage (3 - 5-year-old) : experiences Oedipus Complex
4. Latency stage (5-year-old - puberty)
5. Genital stage ( Puberty onwards)
1. 3-year-old Hans developed interest in his 'widdler'
2. Almost 5-year-old Hans had fear of horses, bitten by horses
3. A big giraffe and a crumpled giraffe dream
4. Fear of bath
5. Fantasy to marry his mother and be a father
6. Fantasy of a plumber providing larger widdler
Reductionism vs holism
Classical conditioning of phobias or attachment issues or
Psychoanalysis and theories
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