Happy or angry because you get physiological arousal or cognitive cues from environment.
Schachter & Singer validate the two-factor theory of emotion
(cognitive labelling theory) in a lab by injecting (physiological arousal)
adrenaline (called suproxin, a vitamin that test vision effects) on
Epi-informed, Epi-misinformed, Epi-ignorant and placebo groups of
184 male Psychology students
with the present of a euphoric or anger stooge that
provided environmental cues
Results shown
1. The happiness gradient in the euphoria condition was
Epi mis> Epi Mis> Placebo> Epi Mis Inf.
2. The opposite for anger condition
Epi Ign > Placebo > Epi Inf
Therefore, physiological arousal without appropriate explanation, emotion experience is influenced by cognitive/environmental/situational cue.
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