Friday, January 23, 2009

Reconstructive memory

Loftus & Palmer's eyewitness testimony of an automobile destruction What is memory?
Reconstructed & perceived

Experiment 1

How the change of
verbs in the leading question distorted participants' memory?
Smashed, collided, bumped,
hit, contacted 'About how fast were the cars going when they _____ into each other?'
Any demand characteristics or response bias?

Experiment 2
Smashed, hit & control groups to avoid demand characteristics in Exp1
1 week later,
'Did you see any broken glass?'

consists of information processed during perception & information received later.

Viktor Frankl: Man's Search for Meaning

Words, reasons,

Existential Analysis
looking for meaning in
all form of existence
a reason to continue
searching for
in Life.

Viktor Frankl wrote:
"It did not really matter what we expect from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those being questioned by life - daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and in meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfil the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual."

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Learn what inspire others to give

To give
the most gracious
act of life.
When was the last time
we give,
not just sharing.
Giving is also
We are most blessed
when we give than receive.
May you have a bountiful year ahead!

Pictorial Perception and Culture

All culture see as we see?
Ethnocentrism? Cross-cultural study

Deregowski's review on Hudson's research
Anecdotal (1 & 2) Vs. Empirical Evidences (3-7)
1. Robert Law: black & white photographs
2. Mrs Donald Fraser: profile pictures
3. The elephant-antelope picture
4. The impossible trident
5. The 3D-model building
6. Split-elephant drawing
7. Gregory's test

Aesthetic Vs. realistic/perspective preference
Let's take up the Sense Challenge

Ox-picious New Year

Wishing everyone that I love an Ox-picious Lunar New Year!

Unconditional positive regards

Do you judge yourself? and others?
I do.
Another Roger's idealistic self
easier to say than do.
All of us have self-actualizing potentials,
full of resources to grow.
Equipped with strengths,
energies & skills
to fly high.
I am able to,
You are able too.
So, accept yourself as well as


Awareness of one's thoughts,
actions & motivation,
engenders insights &
here & now,
origins in Buddhism,

focuses on being, heals all.

The best & feel good
workout ever-

Marathon &
Running in the Human Race.

"You become what you think about"
~Francis Bacon

Active Listening

Rogers' client-centered therapy,
Reflective listening consists of
Congruence &
It's important way to
bring about changes in life.
Our listening ears
lending help
to others when we
listen for total meaning,
respond to feelings &
note all the cues.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I'm who I'm
Is that how you look at yourself
in the mirror?
You examine your
outer or inner-self?
Self-notions lead to the development of
self-confidence, self-esteem, self-efficacy
and self-help
and also self-actualization
What is your self-worth then?

If I were

If I were a psychologist, I'd be able to read your mind.
If I were a fortune teller,
I'd be able to tell your future.
If I were a counselor, I'd be able to solve your problems.
If I were a doctor,
I'd be able to cure your illness.
Those are the misconceptions we have about
many careers
If I were to blog,
I'd try not to post those self-righteousness assumptions of
those in "helping" professions
I'd blog about careers and psychology that
I know